
Building Your App


After installing Jetstream, you may wonder how to actually start building your application. Thankfully, since Jetstream handles the configuration of all of the initial authentication and application scaffolding, you can get started right away!

After installing Jetstream, the code is yours. The templates belong to your application and can be modified as you see fit. Jetstream is just a starting point. You do not need to worry about keeping your user interface "compatible" with future Jetstream releases because each Jetstream release is simply an entirely new iteration of the starter kit. In other words, Jetstream is not a package or administration dashboard that you will "update" in the future. It is a starter kit scaffolding for Laravel and, after it is installed, the templates are entirely yours to maintain.

Livewire & Inertia

Before diving into Jetstream, you should be familiar with how to use Laravel Livewire or Inertia. Jetstream relies heavily on these technologies to provide a first-class user and developer experience.

Application Dashboard

After authenticating with your application, you will be redirected to the /dashboard route. This route is the home / dashboard screen of your application. When you are using the Livewire stack, this page is rendered by the resources/views/dashboard.blade.php Blade template. When using the Inertia stack, the screen is rendered using the resources/js/Pages/Dashboard.vue component.

If you open the dashboard template / component for your application, you will see that it extends the application's primary "layout" component. This layout defines the overall look and feel of the interior of your application. When using Livewire, this layout is defined by the resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php template and rendered via the App\View\Components\AppLayout component class. When using Inertia, your application layout is defined by the resources/js/Layouts/AppLayout.vue component.

Once you have familiarized yourself with the dashboard and application layout templates, feel free to start editing them. For example, you will probably want to remove the "welcome" component that is rendered on your application dashboard. To do so, you may delete it from your dashboard template. Next, you're free to write the HTML needed to build your application. Remember, Jetstream uses the powerful Tailwind CSS framework, so be sure to learn more about Tailwind by consulting the Tailwind documentation.

Adding Additional Pages

By default, Jetstream's top navigation menu includes a link to the application dashboard. Of course, you are free to edit this navigation menu to add links to other pages that will be available within your application. When using Livewire, the navigation menu is defined by the resources/views/navigation-menu.blade.php Blade template. When using Inertia, the navigation menu is defined within the resources/js/Layouts/AppLayout.vue component.

User Profile

When building a Jetstream application, it's likely that you will need to add your own forms and panels to the user profile management screen. By default, the user's profile screen contains panels to update the user's contact information, password, manage their two-factor authentication settings, and more. However, you're free to add your own additional panels to this page. To do so, you may simply edit the templates that define the page.

When using Livewire, the user's profile management screen is defined by the resources/views/profile/show.blade.php Blade template. When using Inertia, this screen is rendered by the resources/js/Pages/Profile/Show.vue component. To add additional panels or forms to the user profile, you may simply edit these templates as necessary for your application.

Team Management

You may also need to add additional forms and panels to the team management screens rendered by Jetstream. These include the "team settings" screen for managing existing teams as well as the "create team" screen that is rendered when a user is creating a new team.

Create Team Screen

When team support is enabled, Jetstream includes a screen that allows users to create new teams. You are free to add additional form fields to the form contained within this screen. Any additional form fields you add will be passed into Jetstream's App\Actions\Jetstream\CreateTeam action via the $input argument.

When using Livewire, the team creation screen is defined by the resources/views/teams/create.blade.php Blade template. When using Inertia, this screen is rendered by the resources/js/Pages/Teams/Create.vue component.

Team Settings Screen

When team support is enabled, Jetstream includes a screen that allows users to manage the settings for their existing teams, such as changing the team name or inviting additional team members. You're free to add your own additional panels to these pages. To do so, you may simply edit the templates that define the page.

When using Livewire, the team settings screen is defined by the resources/views/teams/show.blade.php Blade template. When using Inertia, this screen is rendered by the resources/js/Pages/Teams/Show.vue component.

Jetstream includes a notification banner which can be displayed at the top of your application's UI.

If you are using the Livewire stack, your application will contain the banner component at resources/views/components/banner.blade.php. If you are using the Inertia stack, your banner component will be contained within the resources/js/Components/Banner.vue Vue component.

To instruct Jetstream to display the banner, you must flash a flash.banner message to the session. In addition to the banner message, you may also instruct Jetstream to display the banner with a success style or a danger style:

$request->session()->flash('flash.banner', 'Yay it works!');
$request->session()->flash('flash.bannerStyle', 'success');

return redirect('/');

You may also instruct Jetstream to display the banner by invoking the banner, warningBanner, or dangerBanner methods on a redirect response instance:

return redirect()->route('subscriptions')->banner('Subscription created successfully.');
return redirect()->route('subscriptions')->warningBanner('Subscription pending approval.');
return redirect()->route('subscriptions')->dangerBanner('Subscription cancellation failed.');